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Planned Giving

“What does planned giving have to do with Christian stewardship?

All the good things in life, including your estate, are gifts from God. They are given to you in trust. Thus, we are challenged, as Christians, to use our earthly treasures wisely.

Through estate planning you have the opportunity to express your love of family and your faith in God through charitable giving. By planning for the future of your estate, you can determine how your property is to be used during the remainder of your life, and decide what will happen to your property when you no longer need it.

Charitable Giving

The government encourages us to plan by granting tax deductions for charitable contributions, both during our lifetime and at our time of passing. By paying less in taxes, more of our estate is available for the benefit of our family and those in need. To learn of various ways in which you can give, click on the heading above.

Estate Planning

Estate planning involves more than simply having your will. There are ways in which estates can be structured so that through your life and upon your passing, you and your estate can avoid various forms of taxes including estate taxes. Through taking advantage of these planning methods, you can insure your future financial stability, provide more financial assets for your heirs and help provide for the charities in which you believe, all at the same time. We can help you discover the benefits you can experience. To learn more about this service, click on the heading above.

Tax Load Reduction

Through planned charitable giving, you can substantially reduce your tax burden both now and in your years to come. To learn more about these benefits that are available to you through the services we offer, click on the heading above.